Well now that that huge buzz is over ill bore you (and amuse me) with telling you how lame Ag is, well its not like anyone reads my blogs, they are pretty dull. Probably about as dull as Ag. I still don't know why i chose this subject. its all about grass. and dirt. fun as huh?
its not like i want a career is grass... The study of grass. GRASSOLOGY! Man.. genius. Hi I'm Michelle and I'm a grassologist. See from one sentence a stranger could tell i have absolutely no life. Ha Ha.
Speaking "ology's" though i decided what i may want to do as a career - Ancient History, So i thought about getting into Archeology..Well actually considering I'm not even sure if that's how you spell then maybe i shouldn't. Ideally what i want to do is get a Masters in Ancient history, Majoring in Egyptology. Now that actually does sound a whole lot better than Grassology. Or Dirtology. Quite frankly i'm over Ag. And i really wish you could do ancient history by correspondence but you cant. Classical studies is the closet thing i can find, but looking at all the things you have to study it doesn't sounds very cool at all, i read in a book a little while ago and you can study pyramids..and its called pyramidology! i think its true, i might Google it, if pyramidology isn't even a word then i probably sound like a right pyramidiot!
I just googled it and Yes, it is a word. I'm not waffling on in my own language after all.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramidology
Its all written in fancy techno babbley jargon, That i don't understand all too well. =]
Damn there's still 20 minutes to go in this period...
Well i killed 12 minutes sitting here wondering what to write now. Man i could actually do Ag but i only do that if i get really bored! now that there's only 6 minutes to go in this period why start now!
I'm really good at procrastinating, Maybe i found my hidden talent. I could get a masters in procrastination. Nah for some reason i don't think that one exists.. I would Google it, but I'm 99% sure i made it up.
Well 2 minutes of this period to go so I'd better log off..
Yours sincerely
Michelle the Grassologist.

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