Sunday, April 4, 2010

North Island Seconadary Schools Dressage

Was Great. Joanne came and watched Cruises tests. Thankfully she also brought a saddle (Wintec Isabell) that fitted him (Turns out his dressage saddle wasn't fitting him, though it wasn't cause of his back problem, it wasn't helping either)
our first test was 2.2 (in the sand arena) - Totally screwed it up. Cruise was very tense and excited, I partially bullshitted my way through it - I had to lengthen and leg yield. but Cruise struggled with leg yield due to his back still being not 100% .
I thought I had come dead last for sure in this test.

Cruises Prelim 1.4 (grass arena), test went a lot better. he was much calmer and did everything perfectly. in fact the only thing we got marked down on was his bend on one rein (Purely due to his back) so once his backs done hes gonna be on fire!
Results surprised me a bit - I came 9th in 2.2 out of 25 (I was impressed!) and i managed a 2nd place in 1.4! I was stoked. First thing Ive won on Cruise. So this has now convinced me to do dressage winter series =] Though first of all i need to save up for a Isabell saddle.


  1. Those Isabell's are sooo expensive. Try eBay. We have a discontinued model that I love to death by Wintec, it's similar to the Isabell. eBay works wonders.

  2. Yeah when i can afford it ill definatly get one! That or a Albion SLK = LOVE!! haha
