Was Excellent...
This is the only slightly showie, A&Pish event i do.
This is the only slightly showie, A&Pish event i do.
Twiggy was a right idiot in the flat work, she was trying to "defy gravity!" and leap as far off the ground as possible, i mean why canter normaly when you can leps sideways?!
I did mange to get a coule of placing though, not to sure how i mangaed that!
The jumpig was fun, although i didnt get placed because Twiggy twiggy wouldnt put onestride in the double, but she jumped well, and overall it was a fun day.
After no placings in the jumping classes so fay, i had decided to unsaddle befor the gave the results out in the final round, my mistake! i got a third, so i had to jump on Twiggy bare back with halter and lead rope and no helmet, to collect the ribbon!! =] man i looked awesome.

Twiggy the Brush

=] Yes, I ride a werido.
Me getting My placing, AFTER i unsaddled =]
Twiggy looks wonderful. Well done. Look forward to seeing your new boy